You can set the installation directory by adding --prefix=pathto the configure invocation in the first step. The default prefix is /usr/local,which is to say the gs executable is installed as /usr/local/bin/gs.
Install Ghostscript Windows 7 64 Bit
For more detailed information on building Ghostscript seehow to build Ghostscript on Unix inthe documentation on building Ghostscript, especially regarding informationon using the older hand edited makefileapproach. Whatever configuration method you use, execute "makeinstall" to install the executable and all the required and ancillary files after the build is complete.
The makefile installs all the files except fonts under the directorydefined in the makefile as prefix. Fonts need to beinstalled separately. The fonts should be installed inprefix/share/ghostscript/fonts.(That is, /usr/local/share/ghostscript/fonts/ if you used the defaultconfiguration above.)
If you have Adobe Acrobat installed, you can use the Acrobat fontsin place of the ones distributed with with Ghostscript by adding theAcrobat fonts directory toGS_FONTPATH and removing these fonts from Fontmap.GS:
Similarly, you can have ghostscript use other fonts on your system by addingentries to the fontmap or adding the directories to the GS_FONTMAP environmentvariable. See the usage documentation for moreinformation.
The installer is NSIS-based (see also Release.htm) andsupports a few standard NSIS options: /NCRC disables the CRC check,/S runs the installer or uninstaller silently, /Dsets the default installation directory (It must be the last parameterused in the command line and must not contain any quotes, even if the pathcontains spaces. Only absolute paths are supported).
To uninstall Ghostscript, use the Control Panel, Add/Remove Programs andremove "Ghostscript #.##" and "Ghostscript Fonts". (The entries may becalled "GPL Ghostscript" or "AFPL Ghostscript", rather than just"Ghostscript", depending on what version of Ghostscript was installed).Alternatively, an uninstall shortcut is also available in the Start Menugroup.
You need the file GS.EXE to run Ghostscript on OpenVMS, andinstalling Ghostscript on an OpenVMS system requires building it first:please read how to build Ghostscript on VMSin the documentation on building Ghostscript.
Do a basic install of ImageMagick (I'll call it IM now). Double check the system path variable to ensure you can IM from anywhere. It should point to the IM directory. Test the installation with this line in cmd: convert test.gif test.jpg (assuming you have test.gif). Works OK.
Install Ghostscript (I'll call it GS now). I had to do it twice for some reason before it took. Add the 'bin' address in the GS folder to the system variable. Test the installation with gswin32 test.pdf and you should see your file pop up in the GS viewer. Important note: gs doesn't work in Windows ('gs' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program, or batch file.). You need to use gswin32.
Steve already provided a guide on running the command line version of ImageMagick from PHP. After having a similar experience installing the extension version of ImageMagick, I'd like to elaborate a bit on how the different components work together.
GSview 5.0 is available from gsv50w32.exe Win32 self extracting archive gsv50w64.exe Win64 (x86_64) self extracting archive Source archiveGSview requires Ghostscript. You must download Ghostscript separately.See ghostscript.comThe current release is GPL Ghostscript 9.23.For Windows, obtain and install Ghostscript, then run the GSview self extracting archive gsv50w32.exe (or gsv50w64.exe on Win64).FeaturesGSview is a graphical interface for Ghostscript under MS-Windows.Ghostscript is an interpreter for the PostScript page description language used by laser printers.For documents following the Adobe PostScript Document Structuring Conventions, GSview allows selected pages to be viewed or printed.GSview requires Ghostscript 7.04-9.99.Features include:
These are the Linux variations that we support. If your system is not on the list, try installing from source. Although ImageMagick runs fine on a single core computer, it automagically runs in parallel on multi-core systems reducing run times considerably.
The brew command downloads and installs ImageMagick with many of its delegate libraries (e.g. JPEG, PNG, Freetype, etc). Homebrew no longer allows configurable builds; if you need different compile options (e.g. librsvg support), you can download the ImageMagick Mac OS X distribution we provide:
The Windows version of ImageMagick is self-installing. Simply click on the appropriate version below and it will launch itself and ask you a few installation questions. Versions with Q8 in the name are 8 bits-per-pixel component (e.g. 8-bit red, 8-bit green, etc.), whereas, Q16 in the filename are 16 bits-per-pixel component. A Q16 version permits you to read or write 16-bit images without losing precision but requires twice as much resources as the Q8 version. Versions with dll in the filename include ImageMagick libraries as dynamic link libraries. Unless you have a Windows 32-bit OS, we recommend this version of ImageMagick for 64-bit Windows:
This section provides information specific to GraphicsMagick installedvia a "setup.exe" style installation wizard under Microsoft Windows. Itapplies only to the pre-built "binaries" package, and not to versionscompiled from source code. If you would like to install GraphicsMagickfrom source code, then please refer to the Installing From Source Codesection.
While multiple versions of GraphicsMagick may be installed at onetime, if your intention is to replace a prior installation ofGraphicsMagick with a newer version, then it is wise to uninstallthe existing GraphicsMagick (see uninstall procedure) prior toinstalling the newer version.
While it is not a requirement, it is strongly recommended that theGhostscriptpackage (GraphicsMagick is tested with version 9.27) beinstalled. GraphicsMagick uses Ghostscript to render Postscript andPDF files, as well as formats where a translator to Postscript isavailable. GraphicsMagick will use the Ghostscript Fonts (also known as "URWFonts") to support the standard set of Adobe Postscript fonts like"Helvetica" and "Times Roman" if these fonts are not available asTrueType fonts. The Ghostscript fonts need to manually installedwith administrator privileges in the Ghostscript installationdirectory (e.g. as C:\Program Files\gs\fonts or C:Program Files\gs\gs9.27\fonts).
Make sure to install a Ghostscript which is compatible with theGraphicsMagick you are installing. For example, if you areinstalling a 64-bit GraphicsMagick, you should install a 64-bitGhostscript. The installation order of the two packages is notimportant. Both 32 and 64-bit versions of GraphicsMagick andGhostscript may be installed at the same time.
The win32 packages are for 32-bit or 64-bit Windows, whereas thewin64 packages are only for 64-bit Windows. The 64-bit versionallows processing larger images in memory (rather than disk files),provided that the system has more than 2GB of RAM installed. Memoryaccess is 1000 times faster than disk access.
Specify what drive and directory to install GraphicsMagick into.Approximately 15MB of free disk space is required to install all ofGraphicsMagick (you may choose to install a subset to save space). Amessage at the bottom of the screen will tell you exactly how muchspace is required to install the complete package. The defaultinstallation directory is similar to C:\Program Files\GraphicsMagick-1.3-Q8. Once you have entered the desiredinstallation directory, then select "Next>" to continue.
A summary of post-install steps is provided. These steps include somecommands you can execute to make sure that GraphicsMagick is working,as well as some notes about what has been installed on your system, andwhere to find additional information. Once you have read thisinformation, click on "Next>" to continue.
By default "View GraphicsMagick.html" is check-marked. This causes theGraphicsMagick web pages to be displayed in your web browser when"Finish" is selected. If you do not want to view the web pages, thende-select "View GraphicsMagick.html". Select "Finish" to exit theinstallation program.
The GraphicsMagick package incorporates its own uninstallfunctionality. Always remove an installed GraphicsMagick via itsuninstall function since manually removing it (such as by removing itsinstallation directory) will leave behind the registry entries and pathsettings established at install time.
The GraphicsMagick gm utility may be executed as a sub-process byother programs. If gm utility is not in the systems executablesearch path (it should be since the GraphicsMagick install extendsthe path by default), then the utility should be executed via thecomplete path to the executable.
The ImageMagickObject COM object may beused to execute the gm sub-functions (e.g. "convert") withoutspawning a new process or causing Windows to pop up a window. TheCOM object supports multi-threaded concurrent use. Note that theCOM object (and other components depending on proprietary libraries)is no longer included in the installation packages we create. Ifyou need this, then you will need to build GraphicsMagick fromsource code.
When GraphicsMagick is installed, entries are added to the WindowsRegistry so that other programs may obtain information regarding themost recently installed GraphicsMagick. These entries are availableunder the registry path HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\GraphicsMagick\Current.
Define to build a GraphicsMagick which uses registry settings orembedded paths to locate installed components (coder modules andconfiguration files). The default is to look for all files in thesame directory as the executable.
All of the required files that are needed to run any of the commandline tools will be found in the "bin" subdirectory of the VisualMagicksubdirectory. This includes EXE, and DLL files. You should be ableto test the build directly from this directory without having to moveanything to any of the global SYSTEM or SYSTEM32 areas in the operatingsystem installation. 2ff7e9595c