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See the Biogas pageMethane Digesters For Fuel Gas and Fertilizer, With Complete Instructions For Two Working Models -- by L. John Fry, Santa Barbara, Calif. 93103, 1973, Eighth Printing (out of print). Excellent manual on making and using methane -- biogas. Fry developed his techniques while running a pig farm in South Africa, designing the first full scale displacement methane plant. Good information on integrating biogas production with gardening and farming, and with pond-culture food production. Designs for a Sump Digester using 55-gal oil drums and an Inner Tube Digester. Full-text online. With thanks to Kirk McLoren.Interview: L. John FryInterview: Ram Bux SinghNepal Biogas Plant -- Construction Manual. Construction Manual for GGC 2047 Model Biogas Plant. With Dutch and German support, Nepal's Biogas Support Programme has built 95,400 biogas plants in 10 years, with potential for half a million more. These are fixed dome biogas plants, designed in Nepal. Sizes are household-scale from 4 to 20 cubic metres. The feedstock is cattle dung and water (but other feedstocks will work just as well). For instance, the 4-cubic-metre plant requires input from 2-3 cattle, the 10-cubic-metre plant needs 6-9 cattle. This manual includes full construction details, plans and data. Full-text online. With thanks to Olivier Morf.Put a chicken in your tank -- Eccentric British inventor Harold Bate found a way of converting chicken droppings to biogas and running his car on it. He claimed chicken power would run a car faster, cleaner, and better than gasoline. Bate said he'd driven his 1953 Hillman at speeds up to 75 mph without the use of gasoline.Jean Pain: France's King of Green Gold -- Frenchman Jean Pain built a home-made power plant that supplies 100% of the his energy needs. The core of the system is a 50-ton compost mound, three metres high and six across, made of pulverized tree limbs and underbrush. Buried inside the compost is a 4-cubic-metre sealed steel tank 3/4-full of the same compost, producing methane -- bio-gas. Tubes connect the tank to a pile of 24 truck-tyre inner tubes, the gas reservoir. Pain uses the gas to cook all the food, fuel a truck and produce electricity, via a methane-fuelled internal combustion engine that turns a generator. Another tube runs from a well and into the heap, with 200 metres of tubing wound round the tank, the water emerging at 60 deg C at 4 litres a minute, enough for central heating, the bathroom and the kitchen. The compost heap continues fermenting for nearly 18 months, and then yields 50 tons of natural fertilizer. (With thanks to Ramjee Swaminathan.)Biogas manuals -- complete pdf e-books for downloading:A Chinese Biogas Manual -- Popularising Technology in the Countryside, edited by Ariane van Buren from the original by the Office of the Leading Group for the Propagation of Marshgas, Sichuan (Szechuan) Province, Peoples' Republic of China, technical editor Leo Pyle, translator Michael Crook, Intermediate Technology Publications, 1979, original publishers: Science Publishing House, 1976, China, ISBN 0 903031 65 5 -- 12.6Mb pdfCompost, fertilizer, and biogas production from human and farm wastes in the People's Republic of China. Ottawa, IDRC, 1978, ISBN 0-88936-140-l, 94p. Editors Michael G. McGarry and Jill Stainforth, translated by Lee Thim Loi from "A Compilation of Data on the Experience and Sanitary Management of Excreta and Urine in the Village", published by The People's Hygiene Publisher, People's Republic of China. 7.8Mb pdfBiogas technology in the Third World: a multidisciplinary review, Andrew Barnett, Leo Pyle, S. K. Subramanian, IDRC, Ottawa, Ont., 1978, ISBN O-88936-162-2, 132 p. 14.4Mb pdfBiogas Systems in lndia, by Robert Jon Lichtman, VITA/COSTED, ISBN O-86619-167-4, 1983, 142pp. 11.7Mb pdfBiogas and Waste Recycling -- The Philippine Experience, by Felix DI Maramba, Sr., 1978, Liberty Flour Mills, Philippines, 32.3Mb pdfBiogas plants in animal husbandry -- a practical guide, by Uli Werner, Ulrich Stöhr, Nicolai Hees, GATE/GTZ, 1989, ISBN J-528-02048-2, 157 pp. 17.2Mb pdfTubular Plastic Bio-digesters in Tanzania, Viet Nam, Zimbabwe & China, selected & edited by John Furze, 1997/1998/2002, University of Aarhus, Denmark, 257pp. 24.3Mb pdfHow To Install A Polyethylene Biogas Plant, by Francisco X. Aguilar, Agronomic Engineer, Royal Agricultural College, Cirencester (991 kb pdf)Biogas: What it is; How it is made; How to use it -- FAO Better Farming Series 31 (read online): _40/cd3wd/apprtech/fb31be/en/b96.htmBiogas 2: Building a Better Biogas Unit -- FAO Better Farming Series 32 (read online): _40/cd3wd/apprtech/fb32be/en/b97.htmMicro Cogeneration: 21st Century Independent Power -- How to Design and Construct Your Own Independent Power System -- First Edition, 1993, by Kirk McLoren, Independent Power, Billings, Montana. Covers all aspects of this most useful subject, from thinking about it to putting it all together, and everything in between.This file requires the DjVu Viewer Plug-in reader, available as a free download for Windows, Macintosh and Linux. View online or download the file for offline viewing. Download DjVu Viewer Plug-in here: Farm-scale ethanol fuel production plant -- the Gildred/Butterfield Fuel Alcohol Plant, winner of the California Department of Food and Agriculture's Ethanol Fuel Plant Design Competition: Floyd Butterfield's on-farm still operation in full, complete with blueprints. Plant Description, Plant Operating Manual, Plant Performance Data, Plant Construction Guide, Recommendations, Appendixes and eight blueprints of the still, cooker and operating set-up. Operates continuously, 24 hours per day, 10 gallons per hour of 190 proof ethanol. Includes screw press blueprints and construction details. With thanks to Garle A. Webb.The Butterfield Still -- This report provides details of the design, construction, operation and performance of the FSB Energy Fuel Alcohol Plant.Mother Earth Alcohol Fuel -- a guide to the fine points of home alcohol production, Mother's Alcohol Fuel Seminar, The Mother Earth News, 1980 (out of print)In 1978 The Mother Earth News research team started studying methods and distillation processes, testing mash formulas, designing apparatus, compiling information, converting engines and running seminars, spending upwards of US$300,000 on the project. This manual is the result.Basic information, methods, different feedstocks, processing, mash recipes, still designs and plans, low-cost backyard stills, Alcohol as an Engine Fuel, How To Adapt Your Automobile Engine For Ethyl Alcohol Use, Do-It-Yourself Water Injection System, MOTHER's Waste Oil Heater, and more. Full text online.The Manual for the Home and Farm Production of Alcohol Fuelby S.W. Mathewson, Ten Speed Press, 1980 J.A. Diaz Publications (out of print)This excellent manual gives you all the information you need to get going with making your own alcohol fuel. Aimed at small-scale production, good chapters on fuel theory, everything about feedstocks, processing, fermentation, yeast, using ethanol, distillation. Full text online.The Sunflower Seed Huller and Oil Press -- by Jeff Cox (from Organic Gardening, April 1979, Rodale Press): Vegetable oils used to be one of those items you just HAD to buy. Now here's how to make your own. In 2,500 square feet, a family of four can grow each year enough sunflower seed to produce three gallons of homemade vegetable oil suitable for salads or cooking and 20 pounds of nutritious, dehulled seed -- with enough broken seeds left over to feed a winter's worth of birds.

VITA -- Volunteers in Technical Assistance: US-based private, nonprofit, international development organization, worked for 42 years helping to empower the poor and fostering self-sufficiency in developing countries. VITA published a wide range of practical guides and how-to's, from a few pages to complete manuals of 200 pages and more, with clear instructions and easy-to-follow plans and illustrations. Useful guides on agriculture and animal husbandry, building and construction, business, industry and crafts, communication and transportation, energy, food processing, health and nutrition, stoves, ovens and kilns, water supply, natural resources, conservation. VITA publications are available in full-text free online at Alex Weir's CD3WD 3rd World Development online library -- see list of VITA publications, with direct links for online access.Agrodok -- Popular series of 44 books on small-scale sustainable agriculture, published by the Agromisa Knowledge Centre for Small Scale Sustainable Agriculture, based in Wageningen in the Netherlands. The Agrodok books focus on the tropics, but the information is relevant anywhere. Clear and concise but thorough illustrated guides, savvy, written from experience, well presented. Titles cover compost, soil fertility, green manuring, erosion control, water harvesting, soil moisture, fruit growing, the vegetable garden, urban agriculture, agroforestry, seed production, mushrooms, greenhouses, granaries, storage, preservation, crop protection, donkeys for traction and tillage, pigs, chickens, goats, dairy cattle, fish, rabbits, ducks, bees and honey, marketing, cooperatives. In English, French, many also in Portuguese and Spanish. The full series of 44 books are available for free download as pdf files from Agromisa ( ), 34 titles can be downloaded direct from the Small Farms Library, see list of titles with direct links for online access.Better Farming Series, FAO Economic and Social Development Series No. 3, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, Institut africain de developpement economique et social (INADES), Abidjan, Ivory Coast, 1976 to 1995 -- Series of 44 manuals covering plants, soil, crops, livestock, poultry, fish farming, water, energy, farm business, and more. Prepared for an African environment but the series can be used anywhere, with adaptations to different climatic and ecological conditions where necessary. The approach of the books is general, in order to create a basic model that can be modified or expanded to fit local conditions. Practical and to-the-point guides, written simply and clearly, illustrated, 30-100 pages. The whole series is available in full-text free online at Alex Weir's CD3WD 3rd World Development online library. See full list of titles with direct links for online access.Classic manuals online -- 46 classic books for backyarders, homesteaders, small farms and tropical development, many of them hard to find, with direct links to Alex Weir's CD 3rd World online library for free downloading. In graphic pdf format. See full list. 2ff7e9595c


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